Focused on professionalising the recruitment and management within the superyacht industry while reducing new entrants, young cadet and wider crew financial and individual exploitation, the Progressive Crew Career Programme is gaining momentum supported by HRAS International.

First featured in Superyacht Content, the following article provides detail about the new platform.

The Progressive Crew Career Programme (PCCP) has been meticulously crafted to offer a  comprehensive, value-for-money E-learning course package. This Programme aims to equip individuals aspiring to join the professional yachting industry with the fundamental knowledge necessary for realistic career expectations. This E-learning initiative provides crucial insights into luxury yacht operations, enabling them to make informed decisions about their career paths and identify roles that best suit them.  

Why Was The Progressive Crew Career Programme Created? 

The Progressive Crew Career Programme (PCCP) was initiated in response to the challenges faced by  the company several years ago while managing a fleet of small luxury sailing yachts. The operational  difficulties stemmed from a scarcity of crew members knowledgeable about yacht roles and  requirements. Many crew members, drawn by misleading promises from maritime training providers  and the allure of easy jobs, lacked the necessary understanding, leading to operational struggles and  safety concerns. 

Recognising this gap, the Programme was designed to address two critical needs:  

  • A robust interview tool to filter serious industry candidates  
  • A comprehensive training system ensuring real-world readiness while maintaining  engagement and knowledge retention.  

Developed over seven years and refined through practical application, the Programme’s courses  encompass a wealth of experience and multimedia content, serving as the bedrock of knowledge for  new entrants. It efficiently equips newcomers within a week, fostering stability and safety onboard. 

The fleet captain’s mandate to refuse to interview candidates without a Progressive Crew Career  Programme (PCCP) completion certificate underscores the Programme’s impact. This strategy has  remarkably transformed the interview process, fostering an informed atmosphere, pre-empting misconceptions, and streamlining interviews for enhanced productivity and efficiency. The  Programme has become integral to establishing industry-standard metrics for candidate evaluation.

Ultimately, the Programme’s inception aimed to bridge the knowledge gap within the yachting industry, ensuring a more informed and qualified workforce, thereby revolutionising the recruitment  and training process for the betterment of the industry’s operations and safety standards.   

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Sources: Content obtained from Superyacht Content.

Reporting: Maisie Granger.

Photo credit. Meridian Adventure Ltd and Superyacht Content.

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