Sara Pipernos
Sara Pipernos
Producer/ Director

Sara Pipernos is an American filmmaker specializing in marine-focused documentary-making. Her debut documentary - a collaboration with Human Rights at Sea and Human Rights at Sea International - ‘Death at Sea’, highlights the risks and abuses seafarers face on the high seas through the eyes of the families they left behind. Before undertaking a career in filmmaking, Sara obtained her BA in environmental science from Colby College and then spent three years working as an international policy advocate in Washington, DC helping adopt fisheries policy on the high seas. She is also a published scientific author on the same topic in the journal, Fisheries. Sara translates her fisheries expertise into filmmaking, telling stories that advocate for marine policy reform via effective science communication. She also has an MA in Wildlife Filmmaking from the University at the West of England in partnership with the BBC Natural History Unit and worked as an environmental photojournalist in Kenya and Uganda.